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About Me


I’ve loved makeup for as long as I can remember. I recall being a small girl rummaging through my mother’s makeup hopeful she’d let me have products to play with. I didn’t realize it then, but I'd soon discover makeup is my creative outlet. When I’m “painting” a face it’s easy to get lost in the moment. Much like a painter, I see faces as a canvas and makeup as my colors. I love creating custom looks by bringing out the beautiful features my clients already have. Makeup is far more than a job for me, it is my artistry and creative expression.


I started my makeup business is 2013, but this journey started long before then. In high school I loved doing my friend's makeup. I dreamed of one day being able to afford department store cosmetics. I never thought I’d become a makeup artist until I met my husband in 2008.


He noticed the compliments I received and asked if I ever thought of starting my own business doing makeup for others. In many ways, I have to thank him for planting this dream in my head & cultivating it until it grew far beyond either of us expected. For that, I’ll be forever grateful for him believing in me, far more than I ever believed in myself. From that conversation my journey began trying to learn as much as possibly about makeup technique and how to build a business.


All the while in my own personal life I was also building a family. Today I’m a Mommy to two extraordinary kids who inspire me every day. Along the road my husband also found his creative strength in photography and we often work together on photo shoots. Ironically our family is not picture perfect. We are a beautiful mess, some days we are thriving and some days we are simply grateful for surviving. I have to admit there's been a time or two when we had a toddler running around a photoshoot. We’re a family business and sometimes life happens. 


Looking back at this journey, I'm so humbled by the people who have believed in my talent from the beginning. I wanted to start this business because I love helping people feel good about themselves. I believe when you look good you feel good. I'm honored to be a part of your most memorable occasions. I'm hired not just to apply makeup, but I hope that in helping you look your best you also feel your best. I'm passionate about my art and grateful I get to do this for a living. Once again, thank you for choosing me. 


- Amanda 


Amanda Flores was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She accepts appointments in Houston and is available for travel. 


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